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Announcements Blog

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We're hiring!

Posted: 23/01/2023 Announcements

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Yes, we're looking for another staff member! BMCR is Adelaide's premier bicycle servicing workshop, and we need a mechanic with a commitment to precision and continuous improvement to join our close-knit team. Could it be you?   Read More

A bicycle mechanic building a wheel at Bio-Mechanics Cycles & Repairs

What You Say

A massive thanks to Pete and yourself. I did not realise how smooth the Fondriest wasn’t before until I rode it on Saturday. 80k city to beach and back, super smooth and I think I was faster. Very happy. Now I know why you are booked out so much in advance. Will certainly be recommending you to all…Alex Bojko
Bossi Strada titanium road bike, close view of the hand-painted headtube logo
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