260 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, South AustraliaSA 5000

(08) 8410 9499

Disc Brake Servicing

We'll get your pistons working

Restoring that stopping power

Whether your brakes are leaky, oily, spongy, squealy or soft, they'll leave the workshop working beautifully.

In addition to brake bleeding (a dark art indeed), we can also do a full strip-down, clean and rebuild, including facing/machining square the disc mounts if required.

Shimano, Sram, Hayes, Hope, Magura, Tektro, Formula -- all are welcome!

As with all our work, labour is covered by a one month warranty, too.

Your brakes need expert attention, because the best bike in the world isn't much good if it won't stop.

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What You Say

I must thank you for the service and great work that you do. My bike has never felt (and sounded) better, and I am so pleased I was referred to your shop.Jason Amos
Front view of a Bossi Strada titanium bike, showing the red hand-painted logo on the frame
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