260 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, South AustraliaSA 5000

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Ibis Ripmo V2 | Steve's Custom Build

It's a Ripmo, but not as we know it

Home / Custom Builds / Steve's Ibis Ripmo

Steve fell in love with the Ibis Ripmo V2, and for good reason.

However, he wanted something a little bit different. Could we help? We sure could.

Behold: the Ripmo V2 in an XT build. But look a little closer, and you'll find some upgrades...

  • carbon RaceFace bars
  • a carbon Ibis wheelset
  • snazzy orange forks
  • custom suspension decals
  • matching orange grips, valve stems, top cap, and headset spacers.

Want your own custom Ibis bike? We'll make it happen.

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What You Say

My bike is super-smooth and quiet now, so much more of an enjoyable ride. I don't get people looking at me when I approach wondering what the hell that noise is.Brenton Daddow
Orange and black Ciclovation handlebar tape, fitted to a custom-built Bossi Grit SX titanium gravel bike
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